How do you start? The date maybe? Maybe I should be a little cultured? So here goes nothing 

Dear diary 

My blog is back up. I finally got myself to design a new website and blog. So no it’s not “back up”. I could never recover my first project. I lost my first blog with almost everything I had written. What happened? Life happened and I allowed it. 

At some point I felt like life was constantly fighting me. At the time, two days without something potentially traumatic happening seemed a bit too good to be true. Eventually I stopped fighting back and I let it drown me. 

I had a personal blog which I used as a platform to share my unpopular opinions, random thoughts and personal experiences. But when life became too overwhelming I didn’t have it in me to keep it up. I struggled to write – I still do. I knew my blog was gonna be shut down and I couldn’t care any less. I received multiple emails nudging me to take action but I had no interest in anything I used to love.

And so it started. I dived into the depths of sadness and despair. The books I loved? I couldn’t finish a page. My so called happy place in the gym? I would show up twice a month. The content I love creating? I didn’t feel like it was worth it. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I lost touch with music and my appetite disappeared. I didn’t need a doctor to diagnose me. 

Months later I’m back and I’m happy. I’m doing the things I love, surrounded by the most supportive people. I can dance again and to make it better, even my skin cares now. I finally got to designing this blog. It looks nothing like the old one but change can be good right. I have no idea where exactly it’s going to take me but I know I wanted to do this. So this is it!

Welcome to my blog. 



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